Theme- Dinosaurs
Colors- Green, Orange, Yellow
We invited way less people then last year. Since more then half didn't show last year we only invited the ones we knew would show. There was a total of 27 people there with 10 kids plus 1 very cute baby!
Hot Dogs
Macaroni Salad (Gan)
Potato Casserole (Nanna)
Dinosaur PB&J
Mots Tots
Fruit Punch

Dinosaur Crossing

Foot prints! When you came down the driveway I had the theme music from Jurassic Park playing.

We set up the food in the garage. It was such a nice day! High 81 and Sunny!

Again we borrowed tents from my sister Jennifer and a bounce house from them which Brian's brothers and sister's had gotten for the twins first birthday.


Used her pool as a large ball pit! Borrowed from both my sisters and used what she has which was about 300 balls I'd guest about 500 balls didn't even come close to filling it!

All the tables had Riley's toy dinosaurs on them. I set out books and had printed and made paper dinosaurs I got off line.

In every room we had streamers hanging from the ceiling to look like Ivy and covering the doorway to the hall and playroom. There were balloon that Zach had blown up about 45 of them! Happy 3rd Birthday signs all around too!

For favors I got dinosaur stick books and tattoos. I also got Dinosaur masks and made each kid a dinosaur tail with extra material I had at home.
blown up about 45 of them! Happy 3rd Birthday signs all around too!

The Pinata really stood up tot he test! all the kids that wanted a turn got one. Gan had to help Riley bust it open and it still took a couple swings! Zach said he was impressed!

Of course the cutest decoration was Riley herself wearing some Dinosaur PJ's I found for her at Kohl's. She had green shoes too that were only 3 bucks from Wal-Mart but those didn't stay on because of the bounce house and ball pit.
She had so much fun and was SO good! She thanked everyone for there gifts when she opened then and then went around and told everyone thank you for coming and gave them a hug! It's very cute to watch on Video! My brother in law Mike (Mikey) taped her blowing out the candles and opening gifts so we could enjoy it with her and my friend Michelle's husband took awesome pictures of durning cake and opening gifts. A big thank you to both of them! I actally got to sit down and enjoy the party and talk to the guests! It was a great party and well worth all the hard work I put into it.
It was more costly then last year even with all the stuff I did myself. it was the food that cost so much! 99.02 for food, drinks and plates and things. A grand total of 160.75 and that doesn't include Riley's outfit, ice and the propantank! It will be a challange next year to lower that total!
On her birthday which was the next day I slept till 9:30am I had gotten a cold. I wasn't too bad durning the party but needed a box of tissues close at hand. But that evening I was dieing I couldn't breathe or anything! I took some of Riley's dimatap to help me sleep and felt better the next day. She played with her new toys and we took her to Chuck E Cheese. Gan meet us up there she was very excited to see Gan and screamed her name and ran into her arms when she came in the door. Then dragged her off to show her things! We had pizza for lunch there and then took her to 3 differnt stores to look for the rest of the Toy Story Gang. Guess we will be ordering those off e-bay for X-mas.
She wanted Denny's for Dinner and then we took her to see Toy Story 3 in 3D. Papa meet us there and she was thrilled to see him. She wasn't sure it was really him standing up agaist the wall but as we got closer her little face lit up and there was a scream of PAPA PAPA!! And her running to him!
She enjoyed the movie and again sat there and watched it SO nice. She didn't fall asleep in the car but was ready for bed when we got home. She got her Plush Buzz Lightyear and feel fast asleep!