Riley's party didn't get cleaned up till Monday and I'll tell you what it was much more work cleaning it up! It was HOT and sticky and I, ME MYSELF cleaned up the inside and out and loaded everything in to the van. I was a very cranky person that day that's for sure! The rest of the week was relaxing though I didn't have to worry about getting something done. So that was a nice change of passe.
Friday I dropped Riley off at my parents because we were going to go visit a friend on Saturday. Zach and I had a very nice evening at home got some take out watched Supernatural (It's our new DVD series we watching because we started watching it when it first came out but lost track and got to far behind so we borrowed Season's 1 & 2 from my sister and we just finished season 1.) and took a very nice walk. The weather had cooled down considerably and it was SO nice out!
But of course in being a IBS victim! (That's what I'm calling it now more on that later.) I ended up having an attack at 3 am in the morning till 4:30am when we were to leave at 6:15am. I just needed an hour more of sleep to feel better but Zach didn't want to wait that long worried about the time so I didn't get to go with him. I slept till 11am then watched the Hannah Montana movie (Cried a lot durning it!) and then cleaned out the van. Zach got home at 2:30pm which was way sooner then I thought. I didn't think he would be home till 6:30pm. I then cleaned his car out and we went and picked Riley up about 4pm.
When we got home Riley was sleeping and we were watching TV in the bedroom. I got up to go to the bathroom and caught my little toe in the bed frame. It hurt so bad! I was certain I had broken it! I broke one of my toe's once years ago smashing it on the tub as I got in and this hurt worse then that! My foot started hurting but after about an hour it started feeling a bit better and I braved touching it and it didn't hurt. I was sore walking around and after dinner I took a hot bath and it felt tons better! Riley just laid on the bed and watched TV all night. Zach had a head ache and was laying down and fell asleep and Riley was just laying on my pillow with Zach's arm draped over her hold his hand watching Dora and whatever else came on till I told it was time for bath and bed and then took a half hour to wake Zach up.
Sunday we went to the Zoo and then went and rented movies after dinner none of which we have watched yet. Monday one of my Friends and her 3 kids came over for a play date and while Riley "napped" we watch I think 3 or 4 Supernatural. Then we went over to my sister Jennifer's for a cookout which Riley had a blast playing with her twin cousins. I got to hold and feed baby Valarie which is Brian's (My Brother In Laws) Sister's new baby. Riley wouldn't look at the baby or come near her. I don't know if she was just too busy or just didn't want any thing to do with her!
Tuesday morning we got up Early (For Us) so I could drop Riley off at Papa's while I went with Jennifer to take the twins for there check up. I wanted to do a test run of the way we will go to pre-school but there was no school today so I didn't get the idea of how much traffic there would be. Riley has orientation on Thursday and then start Tuesday the 14th.
Wednesday Riley and I had a shopping trip. We drove out to Avon and went to Walmart, Old Navy and Target. Riley got to eat Burger King on the way out there and watch the Jungle Book. I never let her eat in the car so it was a special thing. We spent lots of money and got all her winter clothes. New socks for everyone and Mommy got new shirts and a few pants because none of her clothes fit and not because I lost weight either!
Today was the Orientation. She said there and colored nicely with the other kids while they went over the hand book. They have sure a small enrollment that they are combining the pre-school and pre-K classes during free play, Gym and Snack time. This ok because at least Riley will have other kids on her level to talk too. They blend Reggio and Montessori education principals. Which is learning though play and teaching a child at the level they are at which is really good for Riley because other wise she will be bored.
There are no little girls her age in class and the boys that are in her class are SO much smaller then her and do not speak as well as she does at all! Riley threw a huge fit when it was time to leave. I was quite embarrassing and she kept it up the whole way home.
I'm having mixed feelings about her starting pre-school on the one hand she really needs the social interaction. Which upset me that the class size is SO small. But she just turned three and I don't know if she has the emotional capabilities of handling pre-school. While Riley excels in learning to the point you for get she is 3 she really lacks in self control. she cries and throws fits when she doesn't get her way and she has a very hard time listening and paying attention when you are asking her to do something. So I just wonder how she is going to handle a school setting and to be honest the amount of money we are paying isn't helping either!
But like most things only time will tell.