Oh my the summer is almost over! We are a little more the half way though August now and it's just moving a long very quickly!
I had my 5th Pre-Natal visit last Thursday and I measured 37cm! I was 26 weeks at the time. She did not seem worried AT all about it and said it's normal for a second baby and my body type. That however does not stop people from asking me if I'm due any day and if I'm sure there is only one in there! I think I might start wearing a sign!
I had to go in for a ultra sound of my right leg since that foot and ankle have been swollen pretty bad but the left one isn't. There is no blood clot or anything bad or they wouldn't have let me leave the hospital when i had the ultra sound done. I have not heard from the back from the DR yet and I had the test on Monday. I'm going to call tomorrow. It's really not bothering me since my appointment it's been WAY less swollen and isn't hurting as bad.
Today Riley and I went out to Carter's and got her new clothes for the fall and winter. She was busy playing at the Lego table and didn't want to help me pick out clothes for her like she normally does.
I'm waiting for her pre-school to call me back to set up a time for me to take her in to meet with the teacher. I want her moved from the older 3/ young 4 class to the pre-k class but they have to access her first. I know she is ready academically it's socially they want to make sure about. I called them last week so I will have to make that call tomorrow also and make sure they didn't forget. I'd like to know because she will be going different days of the week and an extra day.
So they baby does have a name now she has had one for a few weeks. Kennedy Rose! I think it's fits her just right! Some fun facts about the name is...
* All our names end in Y! Amy, Zachary, Riley & Kennedy
* Kennedy is unisex name just like Riley
*It is a surname (Last Name) just like Riley
Kennedy sure is a active little girl! Riley never kicked as HARD as she does. She is even more of a stinker with Zach though. I will just tell him to look at my belly when she is going nuts in there and I can see it moving and she will stop as soon as I say it! He hasn't gotten to feel her kick more then 3 times.
Riley loves her very much and loves to hug, kiss and rub my belly. She always asks where she is in there so she makes sure she kisses the right spot. If I say oww because she kicked to hard or somthing Riley will rush over " Are you okay!" I hope we are not home alone if and when I go into labor!
I doubt very much I will get to have a VBAC as big as I am right now I can't see if happening. If Riley didn't fit I can't see Kennedy when I'm 3 times bigger then with Riley. But we won't know for sure till it get closer.
25 weeks 5 Days
24 weeks