Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October already!

I can't believe it's October already! Already 5 days into October too! (Happy 8th Anniversary Jennifer & Brian!) It has been cold and rainy with no sun for the past week or so now! When it was nice outside Riley and I had a cold so we didn't get to go out and play or we were too busy doing the million of errands we had to do. Hopefully the weather will get a t least a bit nicer so we can take some nice Autumn walks!

We started the Mother Goose Time Curriculum on Friday and I have to say it is just about the dumbest thing I have even done! I can't believe how much I paid for this and can't return it now because I opened the box and used some. I will probably only do the crafts with her which I think are horrible too! Not to mention we did the whole days of lesson plans in 45 minutes and that was with me reading a book that they don't even suggest you do and taking a few potty breaks! We can do the free program in about that time but at least it's free!! The only thing good we got in the box was a circle time CD and the weather counter and sticks because Riley likes them but I could have made those for about 3 bucks!

We got are Halloween decorators put up 2 weeks ago and they look mighty nice! I put my orange light in the front window and it looks very cool!

I will be putting Christmas stuff in the inside the windows too this year! Last year it took forever for Zach to put them up because it was cold and rainy and forever to get them down because there was too much snow and more the half the lights broke because they were frozen in the gutter and they didn't even look nice when people came over because they blew up in the gutter! So not this year I will put them in the windows! If I even get the stuff out it's just so much work!

Riley got her Buzz Lightyear custom and is very happy about it. It's big enough so we can put layers of clothes on underneath. Because it will most likey be a cold Halloween again!

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