Thursday, June 28, 2012

Refreshing The Playroom!

Seems like every few months we need to do a good playroom cleanup. With 2 of them now there are just so many toys! Since I have the nice bin system in place that we did last May it is very easy to take a few bins out of the room and replace them every so often with new ones.

This should have been done for Riley when she was very little but it never happened but at least it's happening now. When I start to notice they are bored with the toys we will switch them this will also help too see which toys are never played with and should be gotten rid of.

With us planning on putting the house up for sale in February we are going though the house slowly and purging things. I really can't believe how fast we filled up this house with in 3 years! And these are big pieces too! I'm not much of a nick nack person I have one thing out my Mom got me and some candle holders my sister Hollie made me years and years ago and that's it besides pictures of the girls. So I don't know how we have so much stuff!

But at least the playroom is looking fresh and clean! Owen is enjoying himself sleeping on the little table since it's been so long since you could even see the top of it and it's his favorite place to lay. The Little Tikes plastic must be soothing.


Kennedy's Corner

Old Toys like new!

Craft and Learning Center

My Ebay Corner

Playing so nice together!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer is Here!

So many things have been happening like always. Zach just got done traveling for 2 weeks back to back. He was gone for 2 nights and then the next week gone for 3 nights. I made for a very tiring 2 weeks for me.

So Riley finished all her tests and even though she has a IQ of 134 and she tested in the 99th percent tile for Math( 1st grade math) she didn't get into kindergarten. I don't need to go into details because I'm sure this is something I will always remember! So now we have to decide what we are going to do. She cannot go into Kindergarten next year when she is already passed that level. Moving to another city that has a later cut off date isn't going to work this year because of selling the house. So it's either home-school or pay 5,500 to send her to a private Kindergarten for 1 year and then move to a better school system for the fall of 2013. I'm so tired of thinking about this and I don't know what to do and it's been a month now!

In other news Kennedy is doing the army crawl she has started to eat the snack baby food but isn't that great at it yet to be giving her more food meals hopefully soon. She is still a VERY happy baby out little Sweet Bebe. Or Sweets as I like to call her. She has also been stand while holding on to stuff and after spending an evening with Sammy found her balance and could sit up on her own with out falling over.

The girls have been enjoying the summer. Riley LOVES playing in her pool or slip n slide. She loves her little sister SO much and wonderful with her. Kennedy just adores Riley they are just super cute together! in the mornings Riley will go in read Kennedy a story (Yes she has been reading for a few months) and they will just sit in there and giggle at each other!