Monday, July 23, 2012

Kennedy's Room

On my mission to organize the house and save money I decided as I finish each room I would write a post about it. My first room is Kennedy's Room. Her room get the most use since she sleeps,naps gets changed and gets feed a evening bottle in there.

This is her room from the doorway.

When Riley was little she chewed on her crib like a dog! So I used the bumpers that came with her bedding set and tied them on the rails. I stopped using the ones with the set once she started rolling over and got the mesh ones.

Changing table.

Today I took boxes that we have from having stuff shipped to the house for Ebay and printed labels on the mailing labels we have. Cost free! See my homemade baby wipes on the dresser!
That pretty little box hold all of Kennedy's keepsakes. My friend Rena made it for her and I just love it!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saving Money

In lou of paying the hefty tuition fee for Riley to go to kindergarten I have started to think of ways to save money. While I do little things that save money like shopping at Super Walmart there are other things I have been reading in blogs. One of my favorite blogs is has some good tips that I have been using for years! Anything from organization, recipes to saving money.

I have finally made my own baby wipes from her recipes and I must say they are pretty neat! I never bothered before because I thought opening the container would be a pain and I thought I was getting a good price buying the Equate brand. Using one roll of the Bounty Paper towel cut in half gives me as much if not more then one package of Equate that costs about 6 bucks now. And I use them to wipe Kennedy down after eating. I had everything but the containers on hand and those were about 3 bucks for 2 and I use those paper towels anyways so really these wipes will cost me next to nothing!

Then after that I was looking at my bottle of Clorox Anywhere spray that I use to wipe the kitchen down, the table and High Chair. It costs 3.29 a bottle. When i can make it at home for nothing because I have water and bleach on hand!

My next thing is going to be making our own Laundry Soap and I'm thinking and looking for more money saving ideas!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Growing Bebe!

Kennedy is now 8 months old! She got big way to fast! She is sitting up with no wobble now has been for a few weeks. And also just started being able to sit herself up when laying down. She is doing the army crawl but keeps getting up on all 4's and trying to go. She does this baby yoga pose. She stands on her hands and her feet. It's too cute and i'm trying to get a picture of it. But she's a ham and when she see's the camamra she stops and smiles for you!

Yesterday she had real bananas and scrambled eggs. She really enjoyed them! Going to use up the rest of the baby food and she will be on big girl food! Sniff my little baby is growing up! Looks like she might be getting her 2 top teeth. She won't let me see too good and with those bottom 2 I'm not sticking my finger in there! LOL

She has been doing the baby signs and says a few words. Mmmm (More), Mama and Mommy! Dada, Gggga(Gan)and seems like she's trying to say kitty. She got upset at fireworks but after a little bit she seems to understand the loud noise made the prettys in the sky.

We have signed up for Kindergarten. She will be going to Scribes and Scribblers. I'm really hoping it will be good for her and she will make some friends and learn! She's getting bored at home and needs to be challenged more. .

I'm so excited I have started writing my book again! I have 208 pages so far and I'm pretty sure I can make it 3 books! Two for sure! I also found a way to download it on my nook to read drafts! It's very cool! Hope to at least finish the first book by August. I'd be done if I didn't have to edit it! Have 74 pages done so far! And I just started this last weekend I know if will have to be edited again but at least it's readable now! Wish me luck!