Well it's been a very long time since I wrote a post! So much for keeping track of the day to day on goings! We have had a lot of fun and exciting things happen and some not so great things! This year started off very badly for me! I had 5 teeth pulled and massive amount of dental work done that cost quite a pretty penny! It was a very difficult pain fill couple of months for me!
But like everything I got though it and I think with all I was going though Zach felt bad for me a decided that it was time to take a family vacation! So off to Disney World we went for 10 days in the end of February to early March. It was a fabulous trip we had so much fun! Riley might not remember it any of it but it is something Zach and I will always remember doing with her!
When we got home we got some excited news! I'm pregnant and we will be expecting baby number 2 in the middle of November. We had planned on having another baby and had been trying since the fall but then all the dentist stuff happened and we had to put it on hold. Then we where not sure what was going to happen since the dentist had cost so much money so we took the lets just see what happens approach and sure enough the first month of that I got pregnant.
Riley is so excited all though I don't think she full understand that the baby is not going to come out talking and playing with her. But she is very excited about getting things for the baby and talking about names. Well telling us what we should name the baby! LOL
My pregnancy started off very well I was only tired for the first few weeks then in the middle of the 6th week I started not feeling well. Some days are worse then others but I'm looking forward to being out of the first trimester as quickly as possible! If this weather would ever warm up I we could open the windows for fresh air and get outside that might help some too! Especially when Zach cooks these pizza that make me want to gag! I think we will ave to have a new rule that he can no longer cook those! I didn't like them when i was pregnant with Riley either!
Riley has done very well with home preschool even though we have not done any in the past month. Coming home from Disney and being pregnant at the same time took a lot out of me and the house has never been the same since because I just can't keep up with it! She can now write her name and almost every letter in the alphabet she is doing very well and knowing what sound the different letters makes as well. I'm very impressed with all she can do and I know not sending her to preschool this year was the right choice because she learned so much more with me.
We will be sending her this fall and I need to start looking into schools. it's going to be a pain dragging her and the baby out of the house 3 days week in the middle of winter but what else can I do. I do worry about her getting sick and bringing it home to the baby seeing in how she will be in preschool before the baby is born and will continue when its a newborn.
I'm hoping to keep up this a little more because it sure is nice to look back and see what went on when I was pregnant with Riley and that's were I wrote all her firsts at as well!
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