Saturday, June 11, 2011

Playroom Clean Up!

Getting Riley to clean up her playroom had been a consist daily battle. She doesn't understand the concept of take one toy out and put it away before you get another out. In her defence she has TOO MANY TOYS I know people always say that but this child really does! She is one child and she has a 18 X 14 playroom that is filled to the brim!

It got to the point were you couldn't find a empty space on the floor anymore. The room was just too messy for her to be able to clean it up on her own. Day after day I would fight with her about cleaning up things got messed up on the shelves and she couldn't find a place for them. Usually about once a week I go in there and straighten everything up so it's organized better but since I hadn't been feeling well do to being pregnant it wasn't on my high list of priorities.

So finally enough was enough. I closed down the play room. Riley wasn't allowed in there for a few days till I could go in there and do a major clean up. We put some toys that are too young are haven't been played with in a box and one of her big items then workbench down to the basement.

I went out and got bins and toys were organized in bins and I printed out labels with pictures and words on them. It took about 2 days to get the room clean and the new rule is only one bin out at a time. If she wants another bin out she has to put the one she's playing with away. If she asks she may get 2 bins out if it's something that she will play with together like say her food bin and her baby doll bin.

She has done wonderfully with this system for the past few weeks. There are no more fights about cleaning up her toys daily. Hopefully it will stay that way.

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