Saturday, July 3, 2010

101 Goals In 1001 Days

So I have seen this on other blogs I have read and I thought this would be great to do! I didn't come up with everything on my own I must addmit I got insperation from other blogs. I ended up staying up till 4:30am coming up with my list. This is what I do when Riley is staying at Gan's (Grandma's) for the night! LOL

End Date March 30th 2012

1. Participate in NaNoWriMo

2. Update Bathroom

3. Plant Wild Flower Garden

4. Take Riley to a Drive in Movie

5.Take Riley to Disney World 2-27-2011

6. Have a Spa Day

7. Take Riley to Children Museum

8. Spend a Whole Day Just Playing With Riley

9. Print out my old blogs

10. Visit Dan

11. Have a Camp Out

12. Spend the whole day not talking about money

13. Make a family time capsule to be opened in 10 years

14. Put a bird feeder out in yard

15. Do 10 random acts of kindness (0/10)

16. Write one good thing about Riley every day for a month no repeats - then compile into frame able art

17. Take a Walk in the woods

18.Keep my cleaning schedule for one month

19. Have side door on garage fixed

20. Get a new Roof

21. Have house painted

22. Have a movie day with Riley

23. Mediate before bed for a whole week

24. Take a walk every night at least around the block for a whole week

25. Visit Grandpap with out my mom

26. Stick to the menu plan for a week straight lunch and dinner

27. Kiss Zach when he gets home from work every night for a month

28. Try my wedding dress on for Riley

29. Create a family mission statement and frame it

30. Make a Collage poster of Riley and all her grandparents

31. Have Lunch with my sister’s just the 3 of us

32. Get together with my friends with out kids once a month for 6 months

33.Have a play date for Riley once a month for 6 months (6/6)

34. Have a game night

35. Write one thing good about the day for a month

36. Teach Riley to write her name

37. Turn Computer off for 3 days in a row while at home

38. Take Riley to Niagara Falls

39. Go a whole week with out raising my voice to anyone

40. Paint the bedroom

41. Carpet basement stairs

42. Go to Virginia Beach

43. Wake up at 8am for a week

44. Get in bed by 11pm for a week

45. Buy a new baby book and catch up on it for Riley

46. Put American Flag Up

47. Get a massage

48. Attend Church every Sunday for 1 month

49. Take Riley Sledding

50. Give all the cats a bath

51. Teach Riley how to wash her hair

52. Order Chinese

53. Write Riley a Birthday letter

54. Grow pumpkins in our yard

55. Pick strawberries

56. Go swimming at Nana’s

57.Have a date night with Zach once a month even if we don’t go anywhere

58. Get new plates

59. Watch All The Grey’s Anatomy

60.Get New Blinds for Living room

61. Start Saving Fund For New House

62. Go to a play or ballet

63. Decided wither to have second baby or not

64. Have a sleep over for Riley and Chloe

65. Move freezer to basement

66. Brush the cats every week for 2 months

67. Color with Riley

68. Have a YES day (I won't tell anyone when I'm doing this one!)

69. Get chest freezer

70. Get Riley a twin bed

71. Get up when Riley gets up for a month straight

72. Finish my housework before going on computer for 1 month

73. Learn to Change oil in cars and start doing it at home

74. Get new brakes for van

75. Teach Riley herAddress and Phone Number

76.Get Glasses Dec 2010

77. No TV For entire day

78.Take Riley to Dentist

79.Go to Dentist Myself Dec 2010

80. Have a maid service clean the house once

81.Play Will with Zach

82.Have my hair grow out and get it cut nice

83. Buy All new towels (4)

84. /Go on hay ride

85. Take Riley to movie (7-31-10) Toy Story 3

86. Have Zach host a poker night

87. Put ceiling fans in bedrooms

88. Change hall lighting fixtures

89. Have Zach Change all Light Switches

90. Go to bed at the same time as Zach for a week

91. Make my Pantry so I only shop once a month

92. Find and Plan a family vacation we can take every year

93. Make Riley new bibs

94. Plan Vow Renewal at Sands Resort for 10 Year anniversary

95. Get Zach a new wedding ring

96. Print Little Miss Stories for Riley and read them to her

97. Find 2 new recipes a month for 3 months

98. Spend more quality time with Riley

99. Go to a old car show with my Dad

100. Finish my book

101. Let someone read my finished book

1 comment:

  1. If I stayed up until 4:30 I'd die! LOL. Good list! I'm thinking about doing 30 things for my 30th year. :)
