Monday, July 12, 2010

Waiting for Paint to dry!

Yes that is really what I am doing! I am waiting for the paint to dry in the bathroom so I can put the last coat on and go to bed! I sit here with paint all over myself just envisioning that nice long bubble bath I'm going to take in my new bathroom tomorrow night!

We had a new tub and shower walls installed on Thursday. Saturday Zach's Uncle Dave came over to do the drywall work that needed to be done. Bless his heart he worked all day Saturday and came back Sunday to finish up! He saved us A LOT of money I'm guess at least 200 bucks! I primed the bathroom ceiling too while dealing with Riley! I swear I do not know what goes on in this child's head!

Yesterday we went over my Sister's for my brother in laws birthday. She was having fun playing with her cousins and we gave her a 20 minute warning that we had to leave because Mommy and daddy had work to do at home. 5 minute warning 2 minutes and then when it was time she started crying and shrieking. By the time we got to the car she was screaming at the top of her lugs like we were killing her! The whole way home she kept it up into her bedroom she went, she kept it up didn't matter what we said what we yelled what he said we would take a way she kept it up.

She finally calmed down and I went in there to talk to her about her behavior. We have had this talk many times before. She said she was sorry and she went out into her playroom. I had to go to Walmart and I took her with me. Why do I take her with me when I could have left her at home? Because I don't look crazy talking to her instead of myself! She was VERY good! we even had to drive out to Super Walmart and this is at 9 at night and she should be in bed but she did take a extra long nap that day. So was SO good I mean as close to prefect as she has ever been in a store!

She had a melt down when we got home about giving the cat food. But she was tired so we let it go. This morning she woke me up by a nice I'm going to have quite time in here OK? Please turn the TV on for me. Usually I wake up to her whining or sticking things in my face. At 10am we went in her playroom and played then we got dressed to go outside since it was SO nice and cool out. She won't to go to the park so we walked up the street. We didn't stay long because everything was wet but we came home and I pushed her on the swings for a good 20 mins and we went around they yard and looked at all the weeds and told them to get out of our yard!

I had to go get cat food and a RX she wanted to go to Pets Mart first so we did and she got to look at the fish and birds and cats. Went and got the food and I spent the next 5 mins telling her we were not getting that cat treat for the cats. I told myself this morning I wasn't going to yell today I wasn't going to get angry that i was tried of having a shouting match with my 2 year old and I wasn't doing it anymore.

I stayed calmed we got out of the store with out tears and with out the cat treat. Then came Giant Eagle. She didn't want to go though the drive though she wanted to go in. And then she wanted the car chart. Which we were not getting because I needed one thing. We got though that she wasn't listening in the store I asked her to please stop and she gave me the nastiest attitude ever! NO You Stop! I kept cool. We got home and I got her lunch she messed with her milk stuck the yogurt cup on her face and was just plan being a brat anyway she could think to aggravate me. I kept cool.

Nap time she yelled she didn't want to nap I asked her nicely to please take a nap it would make me so happy. (That use to work) I went in and started painting and she sat in her room yelling and screaming kicking the wall and throwing her stuffed animals around. I went in there so many times i lost count and asked her to please lay down and take a nap or at lease be quite. It went on for about an hour and half and then I lost it! She was screaming for no reason at the top of her lungs and would laugh at me when I would ask her to stop.

She never napped she never laid there quietly I gave up and let her out. She was fine until she decided she wanted to help me paint. I told her time and time again she couldn't there wasn't enough room for two people but she could watch. she kept sneaking in the bathroom and getting close to putting a brush in the blue paint while I was on a chair. I asked Zach to come get her. And my god you would have thought he was beating her to death in the other room!

He put her in time out for screaming when we told her to go play. And she just wen ton and on and then he told her if she didn't stop he was going to take a toy, Well when he did that she screamed louder! I had to get down off the chair and go out there because I swear to god it sounded like someone was killing her! I got her to stop and went back in and I don't know what else went on.

I do not know what to do with her! Nothing I do works! When you take her somewhere fun or anything she acts up worse! She acts like a ungrateful spoiled brat! I do not understand it! I have never let her get a way with stuff there has been time out since she was 1 but now she doesn't care she just screams and when you put her in time out of take something away she screams worse! I don't know what i did wrong i must have done something somewhere along the way for her to act like that!

1 comment:

  1. Get earplugs. Seriously. When you decided that you weren't going to yell at her, that was something new, and she was testing the limits of this new thing. She wanted to see what she needed to do to get a reaction out of you, because like any child, she wants to know her boundaries. Plus, you were busy all day and she probably wanted attention, and she knows that screaming and throwing a fit will get your attention--even if it is negative attention. Try this, for just a few days--don't react. If she starts screaming and talking back and everything, just ignore her. Don't put her in time-out, don't yell back, don't do anything. Just go about your business and let her carry on. She'll stop. And if she does it again, ignore her again. Put in earplugs or headphones and clean the kitchen. Eventually she'll realize that this behavior doesn't get any reaction from you, positive or negative. And when she does behave in the way you want her to, when she asks nicely for things, reward her by spending time with her--read a book with her, play with her--something simple. All kids want is their favorite person's attention. And I know you don't feel like her favorite person, because you feel that if you were she would behave herself, but that's not how it works with any child. Children can't think in that abstract way until they're at least preteens. She's not trying to push your buttons. She's not being ungrateful--at least in her mind she isn't. She doesn't equate a big birthday party or a clean house or a nice meal with Mommy's love. She just thinks of herself--and that's normal for her age.
