Thursday, July 29, 2010

I should be...

I should be cleaning the basement but I am just putting it off as long as possible! Really though I don't see why i have to clean it the only thing I go down there for is to wash clothes! The rest of the basement is Zach's. See Riley gets the second largest room in the house for a playroom and her bedroom, Zach gets the basement which is the size of the whole house and I get a tiny little room were mostly all there stuff gets plied into it!

So not far that I should have to clean the basement when i don't even use it! The main reason I don't wan to go down and clean it is because I have to clean the carpet. yes are brand new carpet and the cat(s) poo on it! I believe it is only one of the cats and it's April! I do not know what she does I think the poor cat has a slight case of IBS and some times she either doesn't make it to the box in time or isn't finished when she though she was. I wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the fact the the poo is liquid!

I get the spots at the bottom of the stairs and the way leading to with there box is but in the laundry room? Which is on the other side of the basement? Luckily it does come out of the Berber carpet easy. Thank goodness for Woolite Oxy Clean! But in the utily room I can not get if off the cement floors! It's always dried by the time I find it and I have even tried scrapping it off with a scraper and nothing. So when we got the carpet put in in the playroom I took the left over pieces and put them in that room so at least when it gets bad enough I can just throw them out.

But it is still super nasty in that room and I hate it so much! And this is why I don't want to go clean the basement at all!


  1. Remember at Wyandotte when all of you lived at home and my desk sat in the living room? Then I moved it to our bedroom, then I got part of the family room. And when I finally did get my own office the best times were when my girls would come up and visit me. Just like now, Gan's office is the place the kids seem to like best.
