Every few months or so Riley gets in these moods were she is afraid of something in her room at night and I end up letting her sleep in our bed. Last night was one of those nights. She went to bed fine minus the melt down she had when she didn't get to watch another Oswald (yesterday was a bad day) about 11:30pm I heard her crying. I was still up just checking a few things on the computer. My first thought was she got sick again. She had thrown up at nap time but was fine afterwards I believe she stuck her hand down her throat or because she was throwing such a huge fit.
But she was afraid of something usually it's there's a spider on my bed or there is a bug but from what I could understand there was in itchy dinosaur?? Riley loves dinosaurs so I have no idea what that was about. I couldn't get her to lay back down on her pillow. Zach couldn't either at first. The she laid down and about 15 minutes later she was crying again. Zach went in and was in there for a while so I got up too see what was going on. He said she wanted me to tuck her in but what she really wanted was for Mommy to protect her.
I always feel so bad when she gets scared at night time and wants to sleep in my room. Because I remember when I was little and would almost have a panic attack when i would have a bad dream and was too scared to go back to sleep in my room and then what worry about going in my parents room and getting yelled at to go back to my bed. I would stand in the hall for minutes trying to get up the nerve to go in there but not wanting to stay in my room.
So I cave and let her sleep in our bed. Which I hate because I never sleep well because Riley practically sleeps on top of me. And then at 5 am Ella was meowing in Riley's face trying to wake her up! Which she does when Riley's in her room and is why we have to close her bedroom door. Then I worry that I will have issues the next night getting her to sleep in her own bed.
Which we have never had a problem. Riley slept in her own room in her own bed since she was 3 weeks and 1 day old. She was always a good sleeper and she didn't even have a problem at all going from a crib to a toddler bed which is is out growing quickly! The only real issue we ever had was when we first moved in to the house. I would have to sit on the floor next to her crib and hold her hand till she feel asleep. That lasted for maybe 2 weeks till she got use to the house. Which took her a while to do! She wouldn't play in her huge playroom by herself and wouldn't let me out of her sight. But she got over it.
She didn't say anything all day about sleeping in our room last night. She was a sleep by the time we got home from our Wednesday dinner at Gan and Papa's house she there was no issue getting her in bed. She sure is getting heavy though! I almost passed out caring her in the house!
Poor Liley. Ben does the same thing--their little imaginations just get away from them sometimes.