Saturday, July 3, 2010

And this Year's Theme....

What big and green and goes ROOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!!??


A few weeks ago we were talking about what she wanted for her birthday theme. I got on the Nick Jr. Web Site and showed her some of the idea. She liked all the ones with the hardest cake to make or blue frosting.

Going off topic here for a minute. Every since Riley was a baby when ever she ate something with heavy cream in it like Cool Whip, Ready Whip or the Hostess or Little Debbie cakes she would get sick right away. We did find out this past spring after she had a cough that wouldn't go a way that she had a milk allergy .06 I think it was but she drinks milk find. So after that all the cream issues made sense. Anyways one day at Walmart they had these really tasty looking cupcakes Blue and White and we got them to take over my parents. Of course she wanted blue and she was dyed with it! I had to scrub her down! Of course Zach was out of town for work and at 6am I was woken with Riley standing in my door way covered in blue crying. I was half asleep and at first I thought she got in the cupcakes but we left them all at my parents and then I realized the HORROR she got sick. She was fine but later that day I ended up with the flu SOOO bad it took me over a week to get over it. Luckily my Mom was able to come get Riley who pooped blue for days and I slept right though 2 days! So anyways NO BLUE FOOD DYE EVER AGAIN!

So we talked a little more about what type of party and we got on Ka-Lan she loves the show but she is not allowed to watch it. They try to teach the kids about emotions but really all they are doing is showing them how to throw fits! Because the little Monkey, Tiger or Kola Bear will throw one every show and Riley does just what they do. And she said Dinosaurs so I goggled it and they are tons of cute ideas and she loved it!

We have gone back and forth but yesterday we said Dinosaurs and that's that! I didn't hours of research and yesterday she says I don't want Dinosaurs I want this or that so i took her tot the party store again and we looked and she couldn't make up her mind so after hours at home trying to get her to decided Zach says Dinosaurs and she's pumped for it.

My goal for this party is to have it be as wonderful I can make it but as fugal as I can make it too! I have added up all the custom store bought decor and WOW 170 and that doesn't include food! Sorry kiddo not going to happen so Mommy is going to have to pull some magic out of her hat and make stuff and be creative!

There are 3 different cake I can make a simple 1/4 sheet cake with Dino's from her toys on top and a Volcano, a flat dino from Betty Crocker or a 3 D triceratops from a site called Coolest Birthday where people share the parties they have created.

She came in last night while I was looking at a picture for a triceratops cake to say goodnight and said to me. " Wow I hope my party cake looks like that! That little girl in the picture is so happy to have a cake like that she's never had one before!" Melted my heart so if that's what my bebe wants that is what she will get!

As for the guest list we are just inviting family and 2 of my friends and there children who Riley see the most and as shared there birthday's with. That will be a total of 11 kids with Riley and 23 Adults with us.

The colors will be Green, Orange and Yellow and I'm thinking Lot's of green streamers for a jungle affect! Who know what the weather will be like so we will just borrow the tents again and go from there.

I'm thinking of maybe trying a few games this year one is a Dino Egg hunt. Riley LOVED hunting Easter eggs so I know she would like this and perhaps a Fossil Hunt in her sand box but I'm not sure on that one yet.

Food- So far I'm thinking Dino shape PB&J for the kids and dino shapes bread with cold cuts for the adults. I'm just so tired of Hot Dogs! I could do Dino chicken Nuggets for the kids but Riley doesn't really like chicken nuggets anymore. As for any other food items I'm not sure Grapes maybe and Gold Fish Crackers or Whales at the Wal-mart brand calls them.

I'm nervous too because last year we didn't have carpet. We got it put in right after her birthday party because that's when the housing credit came. And I'll just say it I WILL FREAK if it gets messy! So I'm hoping to have food set up in the kitchen and to the least messy thing as I can and ketchup and little kids = MESSY

I know Riley really wants Party Blowers but if she wants hat I'm thinking she can make them with Dino Stickers. I need to see who much I can get at the Dollar Tree because sometimes they have great things for yep ONE BUCK!

I'm working on the invitations what I really want is this very cute dino with the info printed on his body but I can't find a blank on so some how have to fix the lettering on Word and print it out on green card stock and them hope to get it to fit so I can cut out a dino shape. But right now the dino copy I have is huge and I will need at least 91/2 by 10 1/2 envelopes and the postage will be more!

Less then 2 months to go now and I'm hoping to pull out a great party for my soon to be 3 year old!

Oh How The Time Flys!

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